Friday, May 16, 2008

Open Letter to the Prime Minister of India

Dear Dr Singh,

I am writing to you regarding the sorry state of affairs that exist in the Country today. I am sure that you are aware that more than 80% of the population lives on less than USD 2 a day. The situation is alarming because the number of people in that 80% is about 800 million. This is an unprecedented phenomena in History as never have so many lived in such deplorable conditions and yet lived in peace. In olden days when the Ryot reached the end of his limit, he would take up arms and attack the King and his system of governance. The Naxalite problem that is evident in the country seems part of this process of expression of anguish against the rampaging state oblivious of rights of its citizens.

2. The gravity of the situation is apparent from close reading of three basic amenities which are vital for sustenance of life. Air, Water and Land......

3.The air in India is so polluted that 40% of children born in India suffer from respiratory illnesses.

4. It is widely known that we have been unable to provide clean drinking water to vast majority of our population. What is alarming is now we are not even able to provide clean drinking water to the rulers or the governing elites. Further, most of governing elites like MPs, MLAs, Elected representatives of Panchayat etc. are not even aware or concerned about basic issues.

5. As regards land, the pressure is greater than ever in centuries. Malthusian logic seems to be prevailing. The policy of the state in this respect is that of crony capitalism. Agricultural land of small and marginal farmers is being acquired by the state for a pittance and being given to big companies in the name of development so that Rich can grow richer and the poor will grow poorer. This is true of the SEZ policy as well as development of townships and related activities by private companies. The state misuses Land Acquisition Act 1894 and deprives small and marginal farmers of their land and gives the same to private companies. While in your previous stint as Finance Minister you undid the Licence-Permit Raj and unleashed productive forces in the economy, a similar activity is needed in case of the Licence Raj of the Urban Estates Department in various states of India. While no-one is in favor of unplanned and unregulated development, it is an open secret that totally corrupt Officials are posted in this department. These officials have no other agenda except make illegitimate gains by "Change of Land Use Raj". The chain is complete when these officials also provide political funds and also fill personal coffers of the Chief Minister or the Minister in charge of Town and Country Planning in various states of India.

6. What is the remedy for the above situation in providing the basic amenities to vast majority of citizens:-

(1) Controlling Pollution, Afforestation, Restoration of the Environment, Use of clean Technologies like Solar Power, Climate change management etc are some of the issues which need to be tackled to provide clean air and sustain our civilization.

(2) To provide water, we must stop pollution of rivers, penalize polluters, do appropriate waste management, find technologies for cleaning water and laying down pipelines to reach out in lines with PURA or providing Urban amenities in Rural Areas.

(3) The issue of Land and ending the Change of Land Use Licence Raj is politically fraught with risks and involves the Federal System of governance since most reforms are needed at the state level. A tool which the Central Government can deploy is the CBI and creating a regulatory body under Article 256 of the Constitution and a Central Legislation on matter of state list under powers extended to the Parliament of India. Close monitoring of Town and Country Planning Department/ Urban Estates Department is needed by a dedicated investigative agency. You may also like to come up with a policy enunciation that in cases where Land of private owners is acquired by the state or purchased or developed by a company, the owner gets a share of the proceeds of the developed land and not merely a job as a manual labour!!! In case you do not do anything in this area the risk is Naxalism and rising unrest in the populace.

With Assurances of my Highest Consideration,

Kanishka Singh
(Social Activist)

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